Kellyann Burns Exhibition

  • Date: Jun 16-21, 2024
  • Time: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Monday – Friday: 9 am – 5 pm
Saturday and Sunday: 1 – 5 pm
Closed on major holidays

Kellyann Burns is an American abstract artist who focuses on process and color. Her hard-edged, geometric abstract paintings are created by stacking flat layers of color, one on top of the other. Pigment is pulled or scraped across the panel with a metal spatula, leaving masked and dripped pigment as evidence of her process. The edges of her work reveal the history of accumulated layers of color and the paint buildup is left exposed. Burns considers sandpaper to be as important a tool in her process as brushes and pallet knives, as every layer of paint is sanded. This allows previous layers of pigment to be exposed within fields of solid color through varying intensity and pressure. Additionally, sanding allows a smooth, lustrous, and dense surface to be created. Some areas become matte and translucent while others, in contrast, are glossy and opaque. Because of these qualities, Burns is able to manipulate subtle changes of light both within, and reflecting from, her richly colored oil paintings.

More Info: 

Kellyann Burns Exhibition Map

Contact Information

261 Centennial Drive
Grand Forks, North Dakota